independent sue snell from stephen king's carrie. heavily musical inspired.
written by bee.

  • hey! i’m bee, i’m a 24 year old writer and student from the est timezone. i have a few other blogs floating around you may know me from! i’m always open to plotting, chatting, streaming movies, or just otherwise getting to know my mutuals, so feel free to head into my ims at any time to chat!

  • i’m a private, exclusive. plot-driven blog. i will only be interacting with mutuals and prefer plotted/discussed threads, relationships, etc. over unplotted ones. this blog will be low-activity.

  • this blog will have canon typical triggers mentioned. these include murder, mentions of sexual assault, physical abuse, child neglect, child abuse, religion and religious trauma, drug use, alcohol, substance abuse, and murder. i will tag all triggers written and will not be writing sexual assault. triggers will be tagged trigger tw.

  • i don’t write smut. if our characters wind up in a situation where content beyond kissing takes place, i will either timeskip or fade to black. this is for my own personal comfort on the site and i honestly just don’t get anything out of writing sexually explicit stuff! please respect this and we’ll have no problem.

  • while i am open to shipping sue, keep in mind she is eighteen & either a high-schooler or recent high-school grad. i will not be shipping her with characters over the age of twenty.

anything before the prom & the destruction of chamberlain, maine. sue is a popular highschool senior who, despite a kind heart, is often thoughtlessly caught up in the exploits of her best friend chris hargensen. dating tommy ross. after a severe bullying incident involving town loner carrie white, sue begins feeling intensely regretful and begins trying to make amends in some way, any way, for the lifetime she has spent turning a blind eye to the terrorizing of carrie by her peers and friends - especially now that she joined in on tormenting the poor girl.

sue wasn't allowed into prom after she convinced her boyfriend to give carrie white her ticket in the hopes that one lovely night might be enough to help carrie in some way ; sue couldn't have guessed what would happen next. a terrible prank gone wrong - a display of intense telekinetic ability by carrie - the death of everyone who was in the gym during senior prom, tommy included. sue held carrie while she died. sue is the only member of her class to make it to graduation. sue is - - - sue is alive. sue is the only one left alive and there is no name for the level of guilt that chokes her at every moment of her life.